Please read these terms carefully before using Have I Been Pwned (HIBP).
Thanks for your interest in the Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) Services. Further down this page you'll find the terms of use, written up by Australian lawyers (HIBP is owned and operated out of Australia), I just wanted to give a brief "friendlier" introduction before the formal bits.
The intention of the terms of use is to ensure that HIBP is used, as I've always said, "to do good things after bad things happen". Data breaches are an unfortunate reality of increasingly online lives, but post-breach we can use that data to help reduce the impact on breach victims. Using our Services to do that is awesome, whereas using our Services to disadvantage breach victims, is not (that includes using it to pitch them services or "ambulance chase"). You're welcome to go and build amazing things that use our Services, my ask is that if you do that and display information from HIBP, that you clearly indicate the source.
Most of what you'll read in the terms is obvious and common sense: don't deliberately attempt to disrupt the Services, don't redistribute your API key to other parties (this is your secret), if you don't pay a recurring invoice for the Services, they'll be cancelled and so on and so forth. By necessity, some of it is a bit "legal speak" which is why I wanted to set the context for why upfront.
I hope you use our Services to create something wonderful that helps breach victims, thank you for reading this and for your interest in HIBP.
Troy Hunt
Founder and CEO, Have I Been Pwned
Welcome to Have I Been Pwned, operated by Superlative Enterprises Pty Ltd trading as "Have I Been Pwned" (we or us). We provide an online resource which facilitates the searching of email addresses and domains, allowing users to quickly assess if they, or people using their domain, may have been put at risk due to their online accounts having been compromised or "pwned" in a data breach.
These Terms of Use (Terms) (last updated on 6 August 2023) set out the terms on which we offer our users and subscribers (referred to as you or your) access to our Services. These Terms set out your rights and responsibilities when using our Services, your Dashboard and our Website.
You may access and purchase our Services through our website – (Website). By accessing and/or purchasing any of our Services , you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree with these Terms, you are not entitled to receive or purchase our Services. If you have any questions, complaints, or comments about our Website, your Subscription or your Dashboard, please contact us on the information provided below. To find out more information about us please visit our FAQ page at